Kelley Botanical Library (KBL)

Taxonomic Coverage: Tracheophyta and select Bryophyta (musci)

Geography: Louisiana and surrounding states

Quarantine Requirements: Specimens will be frozen on arrival and whenever evidence of pests are found.

Notes: Entered Aug 2022. This herbarium has been founded to store and permit study of important collections from the flora of Louisiana and the surrounding states. In particular, it will house voucher sets for published floristic, phytosociological, and phytogeographical studies of remnant and disturbed habitats as well as range-record collections. As it grows it will function as a resource for botanical courses and enable comparative identifications for technical groups.

Curator: John Michael Kelley,, 229-548-6333
Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens
Administración: Datos en vivo administrados directamente dentro del portal de datos
Identificador único Global: d7fde8c4-9f2c-445e-9165-fa76e91941b9
Metadata Digital: EML File
Estadísticas de Colección
  • 239 registros de especímenes
  • 222 (93%) georeferenciado
  • 5 (2%) con imágenes (7 imágenes en total)
  • 233 (97%) identificado a las especies
  • 63 familias
  • 168 géneros
  • 205 especies
  • 213 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Estadísticas Extras