Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Ruth O'Brien Herbarium (TAMUCC)

The herbarium at TAMUCC is perhaps the only one with more than 10,000 collections uniquely representing the flora of south Texas i.e. south of San Antonio and surrounding coastal areas. In addition, the herbarium has a good collection of marine vascular plants including seagrasses, marsh plants and black mangroves.

Taxonomic Coverage: Algae, bryophytes, fungi, pteridophytes, and angiosperms
Geography: South Texas i.e. south of San Antonio and surrounding coastal areas

Contactos: Barnabas Daru, barnabas.daru@tamucc.edu
Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens
Administración: Instantánea de datos de un base de datos local
última Actualización:
Metadata Digital: EML File
Estadísticas de Colección
  • 1,645 registros de especímenes
  • 0 georeferenciado
  • 1,645 (100%) con imágenes (1,645 imágenes en total)
Estadísticas Extras