Iowa State University, Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC)

The Ada Hayden Herbarium has the largest collection of Iowa plants and fungi, containing over 650,000 specimens of vascular plants, bryophytes, fungi, and lichens. Functioning primarily as a research facility important for taxonomic studies (occurrence, distribution, and relationships of plants), it is also used for identifying unknown plants. Specimens are loaned to specialists at other institutions around the world to support research. Loans from other institutions allow our researchers access to other herbaria. Recently, herbaria have become a source of materials to use in molecular studies and to support basic research on biodiversity.

Curator: Deborah Lewis,, 1-515-294-9499 (ORCID #: 0000-0001-7842-1866)
Tipo de Colección: Preserved Specimens
Administración: Datos en vivo administrados directamente dentro del portal de datos
Identificador único Global: 7ee86f48-d1dd-414d-bd43-017eae4a956b
Metadata Digital: EML File
Ada Hayden Herbarium
EEOB Department
Iowa State University
319 Bessey Hall
Ames, Iowa   50011-4009
[1] 515/ 294-9499
Estadísticas de Colección
  • 51,405 registros de especímenes
  • 323 (0.63%) georeferenciado
  • 23,793 (46%) con imágenes (23,808 imágenes en total)
  • 48,888 (95%) identificado a las especies
  • 44 familias
  • 384 géneros
  • 1,755 especies
  • 1,990 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Estadísticas Extras